Our Pregnancy Journey

I knew when we announced we were pregnant so many people would be just as shocked as we were. Brandon and I have been married 10 years so most people thought after the first few years that we had wrote off having kids. The truth is over the years we never could decide on what we wanted. At the end of the day we always did say if we have a kid it’s meant to be and if we don’t then it will be okay.

the first few years of us being married we didn’t want them at all. We were both building up our careers and paying debt off and we just didn’t feel financially ready. Skip a few years and we didn’t prevent it but nothing ever happened.

Then we went a few more years trying to prevent it again. We were just not in the right head space, but I have learned there is probably no right time.

Then a few years back we decided to have the talk, we knew this time we needed to be serious with it, we are both getting older and risk are getting higher. So I went to a routine check and decided to start trying right after. We bought all the ovulation test and did all the tracking. Those years were some of the most stressful, Covid hit, my job shut down, Brandon lost his dad, and we decided to sell our house. So at the end of a few years we decided to stop and live a child free life. I got a breast reduction I had always wanted and we just starting living life.

As we were just enjoying life I started to get very sick, dizziness and nausea started. I didn’t even feel like myself. I went weeks of feeling so bad when finally July 4th weekend I decided to go to the doctor and learn I was 9 weeks pregnant. I cried so hard and was in disbelief. I remember leaving the doctor and calling my sister. She was shocked so I decided to get more test I was in such disbelief. Well after 10 test I finally believed it then told Brandon. He was so excited. So that’s basically the whole story.

Oh I should add this, we get asked so many times. We didn’t seek out fertility treatments so we didn’t ever go through and want to go through IVF, love that it can help so many others but for us it’s not something we wanted to try.


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